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viernes, 19 de mayo de 2023


 Our participation in the Fermi MUN (Model United Nations) 2023 was a huge success. Our students Carmen González and Estrella García represented Norway. Adams Mesta and Juan Manuel Cantalejo were delegates of Italy. They were accompanied by our English teachers Eduardo Sojo and Ana Martín, who acted as their advisors during the conferences.

On the first day, they gave their speeches at the opening ceremony. They discussed world related problems such as censorship in the media and climate change.

On the second day they were grouped with other delegates in commitees. They gave proposals and made resolutions. It was very intense but gratifying!!

On the third and final day, they voted the resolutions in a General Assembly. IES Caura school was very proud to have participated in this programme. The students and the families were really happy and they learnt so much from this experience. Next year, we have been invited to participate again!! See you next year, FERMIMUN!!