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miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2022

European Day of Languages Celebration

Every year, we promote the learning of foreign languages in our school I.E.S Caura. That's why we have organised a variety of activities in order to celebrate the European Day of Languages, which is on 26th September. 

Among the different projects, we can find:

- My favourite word in different languages.

-Crazy translations. (Our language assistants found this quite interesting, and they are learning quite a few of our Spanish expressions).

- Words impossible to translate.

- Borrowings from other European languages.

- Tongue Twisters.

-Words that Gibraltarians use in Spanish that come from English.

Students who participated making posters will receive extra points in their evaluations! 

Thanks to the English and Spanish Language for their participation.

Cada año, desde nuestro I.E.S Caura queremos promover el aprendizaje de idiomas. Es por eso que hemos organizado varias actividades para celebrar el día europeo de las lenguas, que se celebra el 26 de septiembre. Entre los diferentes trabajos hechos por los alumnos podemos encontrar:

- Mi palabra favorita en varios idiomas.

- Traducciones locas (nuestros auxiliares de conversación se han interesado por estas expresiones y están aprendiendo de ellas, como por ejemplo: "What a heat, my weapon" (¡Qué calor, miarma!)

- Palabras intraducibles.

- Extranjerismos (Palabras que hemos adoptado de otros idiomas)

- Trabalenguas.

- Palabras que los gibraltareños usan en español pero que vienen del inglés, como por ejemplo: "chinga" (chewing gum) = chicle

Los alumnos que participaron con trabajos recibirán una evaluación positiva.

Gracias a los profesores de los departamentos de inglés y lengua por su participación.

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2022

Our new language assistants: welcome, Carlos and Niobe!

IES Caura is proud to announce that we have been joined by Carlos Gonzalez and Niobe Melendy, our new language assistants, both from the USA! Here is a little paragraph they have written about themselves:

Hello Students! My name is Carlos Gonzalez. I was born in Mexico but raised in Texas. Texas is a fascinating state with rich history and culture. I attended Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, Texas. I love to play guitar and used to perform as a mariachi. I studied classical guitar performance with a minor in Spanish. I am interested in studying flamenco guitar while I am in Spain and look forward to learning as much as I can about Spanish culture.

Carlos Gonzalez

My name is Niobe, and I’m from San Francisco, California. I graduated this past June with my bachelor’s degree in Applied Linguistics. I am learning to play the violin and I write poetry. I’m not a very good violinist yet, but I practice as often as I can. I also received my black belt this past May in Kung Jung Mu Sul, which is a style of Tae Kwon Do. I am currently looking for a wooden sword (or a long stick) so I can practice while I’m here is Spain. I plan to go home to the US in June and attend graduate school for the following 2 years.

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2022

Welcome !

Welcome to a new school year. Soon we'll start posting all the information about the activities organised by the department and we'll introduce you to the new "auxiliares de conversación". Hope you enjoy it!